SPARK 2025
SPARK has been at the forefront of change within the UWA Student Guild since 2022. Here are just some of our achievements:
Introduced Universal Submission times, standardising submission for electronically submitted coursework assessments to 11:59pm
Secured a $7 pint at the UWA Tavern
Held the biggest club carnival since the Pandemic
Successfully advocated to mandate lecture transcripts in the Law School
Increased lighting and CCTV in the Guild Village
Opened the Refectory and Hackett Cafe until 10PM for late night study
Successfully advocated for the early release of results and completion letters for students applying for the 485 Visa
Expanded parking bays and study spaces on campus
Commenced renovations on the Guild Village and the Tavern
Surveyed students on special consideration, parking, submission times, accessibility, racism, infrastructure and education
Worked on developing the UWA Guild App to include online ordering, discounts, deals and events on campus